利用ems实现mailgroup member 导出到excel,并设置格式。


# This script should be run in  Exchange powershell Environment.It will export

# members of mailgroup that start with manu、 pc、 qa、and pe into the excel.


# open a excel file
$exl = new-object -comobject excel.application

$exl.visible = $true

$wb = $exl.workbooks.add()

$ws = $wb.worksheets.Item(1)


#get distributionggroups that start with  

$mailgp = get-distributiongroup |select-string "^manu|^pc|^qa|^pe"


#get members of the distributiongroup


foreach ($gp in $mailgp)
  $title = get-distributiongroup -identity "$gp" |select name
  $ws.cells.item(1,$y)= $title.name
  $members = get-distributiongroupmember -identity "$gp" |select name
  foreach ($member in $members)
   $ws.cells.item($x,$y) = $member.name
 #set the excel style
$lineStyle = "microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlLineStyle" -as [type]
$colorIndex = "microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlColorIndex" -as [type]
$borderWeight = "microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlBorderWeight" -as [type]
$chartType = "microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlChartType" -as [type]


for($b = 1 ; $b -le $colcon ; $b++)

 $ws.cells.item(1,$b).columnWidth= 14
# $ws.item(1,$b).font.bold = $true
 $ws.cells.item(1,$b).borders.LineStyle = $lineStyle::xlcontinuous
 $ws.cells.item(1,$b).borders.ColorIndex = $colorIndex::xlColorIndexAutomatic
 $ws.cells.item(1,$b).borders.weight = $borderWeight::xlMedium